How to Quit Your Job & Become Your Own Boss

Introducing the 12 Days of Quitmas!

12 Days of Free Resources So You Can Escape Your Corporate Job & Build Your Freelance Business

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    Michele Dye, M.A.

    Founder of
    Dyenamic Career Goals

    How It Works

    From December 14 - December 25, receive a free resource that will help you begin your freelancing journey so you can finally quit your day job.

    Your free gift will be sent each morning via email and you have until midnight PST to claim it.

    Who's This For?

    • Marketers, communicators, publicists and more who want to leave their 9-to-5 job and be their own boss.
    • Those who want to start a side hustle for extra income.
    • Existing freelancers who are struggling to grow their business.